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Best picture of March 2008 Winner

alien small

All submissions for the best picture were great this month, so thanks very much to all involved. This month’s winner is Neil Alcock from BBC Political Programmes. Neil gets creative with his Nostromo T-shirt (Alien). Click on the picture to buy one for yourself.

Film Review - The Movie Bible since 1950!

Film Review wrote a great piece on us in their May 2008 edition…

Film Review May 2008

“We see an awful lot of movie merchandise here at Film Review towers and, to be honest, there’s usually not much to get excited about. But, when we saw the new range of T-shirts from UK company Last Exit to Nowhere, we certainly had our heads turned. With designs inspired by everything from Alien to Back to the Future, the guys have taken logos, designs and background information from your favourite movies and turned them into subtle and stylish T-shirts. From the more obvious, like the Amity Island T-shirt referencing the location of Jaws (below left), to the more cryptic, such as the Winchester Tavern design (above right) inspired by Shaun of the Dead, Last Exit to Nowhere has something for every movie fan”.


Film Review May 2008

Film Review – The Movie Bible since 1950!

Film Review wrote a great piece on us in their May 2008 edition…

“We see an awful lot of movie merchandise here at Film Review towers and, to be honest, there’s usually not much to get excited about. But, when we saw the new range of T-shirts from UK company Last Exit to Nowhere, we certainly had our heads turned. With designs inspired by everything from Alien to Back to the Future, the guys have taken logos, designs and background information from your favourite movies and turned them into subtle and stylish T-shirts. From the more obvious, like the Amity Island T-shirt referencing the location of Jaws (below left), to the more cryptic, such as the Winchester Tavern design (above right) inspired by Shaun of the Dead, Last Exit to Nowhere has something for every movie fan”.

Best picture of February 2008

Charlie Griffiths wears Tyrell

This month’s winner is Charlie Griffiths, guitar instructor for Total Guitar magazine. Charlie wears a Tyrell T-shirt (Bladerunner) for the magazine’s free tutorial DVD. Click on the picture to buy one for yourself.


Charlie Griffiths wears Tyrell

Best picture of February 2008

This month’s winner is Charlie Griffiths, guitar instructor for Total Guitar magazine. Charlie wears a Tyrell T-shirt (Bladerunner) for the magazine’s free tutorial DVD. Click on the picture to buy one for yourself.

We want to see you

We’re offering the chance to win one FREE tshirt every month to all Last Exit To Nowhere customers. Just email us your picutres of you or a friend wearing one of our tshirts, and the best one wins a FREE tshirt. Email your picture to

Bai Ling with customer

The actress Bai Ling with John Santo from TMZ.