30 second homemade movie




















30 Second Homemade Horror Movie Winners

Many thanks to everyone that sent us their entries for our latest 30 Second Homemade Horror Movie Competition. It was a difficult choice as always, but there has to be a winner. So… (drum roll) in first place winning £200 to spend with us, is… Kieran Hood with this wonderfully inventive short video.

In second place, winning £100 to spend with us is Ulrik Bruchholz with this nightmarish 30 second slice of horror.

And finally, in third place (also winning £100 to spend with us) is Narved Plaha, Ravinder Bains and Lakhvir Sokhi with this comical short video.

30 Second Homemade Movie Winners

A big thanks once again to everyone that sent us their entries for our latest 30 Second Homemade Movie Competition. As always, it was a tough call choosing the winners.

But there has to be a winner. So, in first place winning £200 to spend with us is Daniel C from West Sussex with this superb short:

In second place, winning £100 to spend with us is Matthias, Jacob and Jane from Germany, with this great 30 second movie:

And third place (winning £100 to spend with us) goes to Kieran Hood with this sci-fi short:

30 Second Homemade Horror Movie Winners

Many thanks to all the creative people who submitted their entries for our 30 Second Homemade Movie Competition. As always, it was a tough call choosing the winners.

1st place (winning £200 to spend with us) goes to Jake Whiteman

2nd place (winning £100 to spend with us) goes to Ulrik Bruchholz

3rd place (winning £100 to spend with us) goes to Ian Martin & Curt Postill

30 Second Homemade Horror Movie Winners

A big thanks for all the great entries to our 30 Second Homemade Horror Movie Competition. The winners this time round are as follows:

In first place (winning 10 T-shirts) is: Huckbros

In 2nd place (winning 6 T-shirts) is: Tatjana Braun

In 3rd place (winning 4 T-shirts) is: Christos Houliaras

30 Second Homemade Movie Winners

The winners of our latest 30 Second Homemade Movie Competition are as follows:

1st place – Josh Carr (wins 10 T-shirts)


2nd place – Catrin Leighton, Chris Light, Ross Wilson and Scott Wilson (win 6 T-shirts)


3rd place – Simon Barber and @vivavhs (win 4 T-shirts)

30 Second Homemade Movie Winners

Many thanks to all the creative people who submitted their entries for our 30 Second Homemade Movie. Once again it was a hard decision choosing the winners, but all participants will receive a free Last Exit to Nowhere T-shirt for entering.

The winners are as follows:

1st place – Josh Franklin (wins 10 T-shirts)


2nd place – Graham Neale (wins 6 T-shirts)


3rd place – Tatjana Braun (wins 3 T-shirts)

Thanks again to all involved. Stay tuned for another 30 Second Homemade Movie Competition later in the year!