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Inspired by THE EVIL DEAD (1981)

Spandex has been woven into the brushed cotton twill cap to allow for maximum stretch and comfort.  

Own the only T shirt you'll ever covet. Designers claim a plain white T is a wardrobe essential, clearly they've never seen Last Exits T's. For nearly 15 years I've enjoyed the kick out of wearing some of the most sublime designs ever printed. They scream your favourite movies to the world but with such style and taste only a true fan would get the reference. What garment could you ever own that could prevoke the responses the MU/TH/UR6000 T - ALIEN T got this weekend with "oh.. my son works in I.T. too" from a pharmacist followed with a supermarket employee behind me saying "crew expendable..nice one!" . From my first Amity Police Hoodie all them years ago to my latest Hadley's Hope T, never a year goes by without the crushing need to add more of Last Exits designs to my collection. Unforgettable knockout service with T's that turned my clothing into a fanboys dream wardrobe!

Stuart, UK
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